
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Catch up

I haven't been here in forever!! And to prove that, here's a picture of how big Thor looks!!

I have been doing several stuff lately. Monday morning I'm starting with my finals week and the 18th is my birthday! 

In the meantime, I have been doing several t-shirt decons and sewing projects that you can are on my cut out and keep page. Make sure to check it out, I'll leave a link at the end f the post. 

The last couple of months have been a little rough at the house, economically speaking. 
Fortunately? We have each other and that is what motivates us to keep going. 

My french is getting so much better with each passing day. How ever, I'm still having some issues with my writing. 

I hope things will continue to improve next semester and that I actually pass this level! 


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Life update

I got myself some new furniture!!!

Yes! We finally have a couch, two small boom cases a closet to arrange all of the out of place stuff, poor student style. 

We also got some picture frames to place all of the pictures of our trips that we had lying around the house unseen by everyone that came here. 

Our place is finally resembling a home and we love it!!

We're pretty excited too about our trip to Spain next month for the holidays. 

Catch you later ;)


Saturday, November 2, 2013


Lately the boyfriend got me into The Walking Dead, even if I said that I would never watch it or game of thrones. We're already near finished with the sons season and I hate him for loving it! 

I love zombies, and TWD is one of te best zombie show that I have ever seen in my life!! 

My favorite zombie movies are:
28 Days later
Shawn of the Dead
Resident Evil
World War Z

And many others of the sort

Hate the boyfriend for showing me TWD when I have to study for the midterms. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Kitties, studying and DIY painting

We adopted a kitty!!!!! 

I'm super excited! He's 3 months old and we named him Thor. He's playfully, doesn't sleep at night, wakes me up in the morning and sleeps all day! 

I'm taking tons of pictures of him about every 3 minutes. The boyfriends is starting to get jealous of the kitty. 

I've always wanted a cat when I was growing up, but my mom never liked them, so now that I'm not living even in the same country, I took it as an opportunity to adopt a kitty.

In other life's news, I started studying for my mid terms today. I already finished of the subjects, but I'm super demanding with my self, so it took me the whole day to just finish one of the subjects. 

I also made a stormtropper "painting". I pretty much took a cardboard box and painted it, since I didn't have the actual painting material. 

 I think it would've been soooo much better if I had the actual painting thingy. 

Anyways, don't be a stranger!! If you stop by, make sure to leave a comment, or go to my follow me on twitter and say hi! @thatinkdchick 


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cooking, mistakes and life :)

So, today is officially my first day of the one week vacation I have from the university. 

Here in France is the Toussaints holiday. I don't know about other countries or how does it work. 

So, to start my vacations nicely and in a very french kinda way, I decided to make Macarons with some of my girlfriends from the university. 

We chose to make chocolate ones cause we didn't have the colours to make pink or green ones, but  I prefer chocolate flavored macarons anyways. 

We started getting everything ready to make the cream and then the wafers. We made the cream for the inside of the macarons and we put all of the paste for the wafer on the silicone sheet to put in the oven. 

The only problem was that apparently my friend's oven was not working very nicely, so mid cooking it broke down on us and we couldn't finish baking the wafers!!

They came out looking like mini chocolate pancakes or something like that. They cracked due to the lack of cooking :(

So, we couldn't finish baking the chocolate ones and we couldn't even start the coffee ones!!!

I was super excited for this cause it would be my first time making macarons. 

But well, we will try to finish them on the weekend, possibly. 

On the other hand, after the Toussaint, I'll have my mid term week, and I'm super nervous about it!!

For one test I will have to write a 350 word essay for a topic that we will know the day of the test. For another one we will listen to a reportage, or an audio and have to fill out a questionaire and the write an essay about it. I also have to study the French Revolution for my french history test. I have to study a little of recent life, religion and politics for my french civilization test, and a buch of other stuff for the other tests. 

I'm super nervous about them cause my biggest problem is the french conjugation of the verbs, the accenting and the spelling. So for the essay one I will not be allowed to use a dictionary or my conjugation book. 

But I will study my butt off on this week of vacations to get the best grades I can 


Monday, October 21, 2013

Changing habits and lifestyles.

I’ve always been on the chubby side ever since I turned 14 or so and I’m 4 feet 8, so I’m kinda small for how much I weight. I also have stretch marks on the side of my stomach and on my legs. I hate them, but I know there’s pretty much nothing I can easily do about it right in this moment of my life.

However, what I can change is the way I feel and see myself.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE myself, and so should you, but sometimes I wish I was less chubby than I am right now.

So, yesterday, as soon as I finished “pimping” my new blog, I decided to take control of my life and start doing something about my weight. If I don’t do it, nobody’s gonna do it for me, as much as I would like it (trust me, I already asked).

I’ve also been interested in trying out some yoga to see how that goes for my relaxation and flexibility.

For that reason, I checked the internet for a good way to start working out in a beginner’s level.

I found Jillian Michaels Yoga for weight loss. It’s a 35 minute workout, and damn I didn’t even finish it! I feel sooooo embarrassed for saying this, but I stop at the 15 minute mark. I was exhausted and sweating and damn it was awfully great!

I’m gonna try again tomorrow, to see if I can at least get to the 20 minutes.


Sunday, October 20, 2013


Well hi everybody! (or nobody as a matter of fact.)

My first entry is gonna be a little of my history, description and normal randomness

My name is Maria, but in my country everybody calls me Marite, I’m 21 years old (soon to be 22), I’m a Venezuelan English teacher living in france (how bizarre can I be?!), I’m living with my French boyfriend and studying French at L’Université de Poitiers, and I’m CRAZY about tattoos.

This blog is gonna be a little strange in a way, cause I actually don’t think I have any hobbies (or not that I consider hobbies), so I’m gonna talk about everything that goes on with my life and the implications of being a shy international student in a totally strange place, without my family or my friends here.

And that’s one of the reasons I started this blog. I feel that I can maybe help other people that are (or want to be) in a similar situation, like living outside of your country.

And also because since I don’t have lots of friends around here, cause I just changed cities and universities, I have almost no one to talk to unless is my boyfriend or my family and a couple of friends via text message.

I’m also gonna be talking about makeup, day to day stuff that goes around me, music, books, my classes and all sorts of things that come into mind.

So stick around if you don’t mind all of the craziness that’s gonna go on around here
